
What is the P-Shot?

The P-Shot (or Priapus shot), named after the Greek fertility god Priapus, is a procedure that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treat the penis and solve various issues that may be harmful to a man’s sex life. This procedure increases sexual desire while enhancing the penis’s health, circulation, strength, and size. It uses the body’s platelets and encourages the development of new tissue, so the body is rejuvenated and heals itself rather than as a result of external intervention. The procedure is ideal for treating men suffering from erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease because it improves a man’s ability to have an erection and perform other sexual functions.


Which conditions does P-Shot treat?

The P-Shot is performed to enhance the sexual health of males, particularly those who experience difficulties with sexual performance because of conditions that affect the penile region, such as:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Poor blood flow
  • Lichen sclerosis
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Diabetes


What are the benefits of the procedure?

P-Shot is a safe procedure that provides quick, long-lasting effects. Other benefits include:

  • Increased penile size and strength
  • Improved sexual stamina and endurance
  • Increased sensation and pleasure
  • Improved penile blood circulation
  • Elimination of erection-related discomfort
  • Increased self-confidence


Who is a suitable candidate for the procedure?

The P-Shot may be the solution for you if you are looking for a painless, non-invasive solution to enhance, expand, straighten, and rejuvenate your penis with just one office visit. You might be a good candidate for the P-Shot if you have erectile dysfunction, have tried medication without success, or would prefer not to use it. Additionally, P-Shot applicants should be in good health and have reasonable expectations for the treatment’s potential outcomes.


What should I expect before the procedure?

During your consultation, the doctor will review your medical history and examine your overall health to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. They will ask you to refrain from taking NSAIDS for 1-2 weeks before surgery because their use reduces the PRP’s capacity to start the regenerative response. The doctor will also request that you trim or shave the penile area to improve its visibility for the procedure.


What should I expect during the procedure?

The P-Shot takes less than 30 minutes to complete. When you arrive, you will be shown to a private procedure room and told to sit or lie on a table. Before starting the procedure, the doctor will administer a numbing cream or lotion to the genital area and wait for it to take effect for your utmost comfort.

Your vein will be used to draw a few milliliters of blood into a collection tube or syringe. After that, the blood will be put into test tubes that will later be spun in a centrifuge machine. After a few minutes of spinning, the platelets and plasma are separated from the blood, and a clear yellow liquid is visible in the tubes.

A calcium gluconate solution is added to the yellow liquid to activate the platelets. The fluid is then progressively injected into various locations down the shaft of the penis using syringes and tiny needles. The injected liquid immediately increases penile size and strength. The erectile muscles and the blood vessels inside the penis shaft are helped to repair and develop by the platelets and plasma.


What should I expect after the procedure?

Many patients have immediate effects, starting with increased length and girth. The platelets, serum, and activated growth factors from the platelets all contribute to the initial size expansion. Patients may experience a little shrinkage in size over the next three days as the body absorbs some of the fluid. However, for at least 12 weeks, new tissue continues to grow, causing the size to increase to a point where it is comparable to the outcomes seen right away after treatment. The effects of the P-Shot might endure for up to 18 months.

Although the body employs PRP as a stimulant for tissue regeneration, the length of time it takes for the body to heal will ultimately depend on the patient. Multiple treatment sessions may be helpful to promote cellular renewal in your body. It is safe to repeat the procedure as frequently as your doctor deems necessary for your health and well-being. During your initial appointment, we can go over several treatment options with you as well as other therapies that can help with your treatment, such as individualized diet and exercise plans.


Schedule your appointment today

P-Shot might be effective if you seek a more fulfilling sexual life. To schedule your consultation and learn more about the advantages of the P-Shot, contact our knowledgeable team right away.



What are the risks of the procedure?

There is no risk of an allergic or adverse reaction to the injectable materials because P-Shot uses the patient’s blood.

When can I engage in sexual activity after P-Shot surgery?

Patients can engage in sexual activity approximately 4 hours following surgery.

What are the potential side effects of the P-Shot?

PRP is made from your blood, so potential side effects are minimal. These include developing an infection, mild bleeding or bruising, and swelling.

Is the procedure painful?

The P-Shot is not a painful procedure. Before administering the PRP, a topical numbing lotion is used, which helps to lessen any discomfort. You will only feel a very minor sting throughout the procedure because the PRP is injected into the penis using a very small needle.

What will I experience after the procedure?

Most patients claim to feel normal. There is no postoperative discomfort. Bruising always has a small probability with injections. Even when it does, which is infrequently, its impact is slight, and it heals quickly.

Is the P-Shot only used to treat erectile dysfunction?

Other problems that affect the penile region can be treated with the P-Shot, such as Peyronie’s disease, which results in internal penile scarring. This scarring can cause painful and bent erections that get worse over time and cause persistent agony. The P-Shot aids the body in strengthening, enhancing circulation, and straightening penile tissue.

How does the P-Shot work?

The P Shot is a non-surgical treatment that leverages the growth factors a man already possesses in his body to help his penis naturally regenerate. Blood-derived platelet-rich plasma is utilized to promote the synthesis of new, younger tissue and an increase in blood flow.

Is P-Shot only used for erectile issues?

P-Shot is not just for erection-problematic males. We encourage you to go for a P-Shot without any hesitation if you are experiencing softening erections, which is fairly normal with aging, are unable to appreciate the intimate pleasure when having sex with your spouse, or it is taking you a very long time to recuperate for another episode of intimacy/sex.

How does PRP work?

PRP makes use of concentrated platelets that are high in bioactive proteins and release growth factors to promote cellular regeneration and quicken tissue repair. The advantages of PRP were first used in the healing of wounds, but they have since been developed to address issues with appearance and sexual dysfunction in men.

Is the P-Shot an effective procedure?

The P-Shot can deliver long-lasting results without the risk of adverse reactions or irritation that can happen with other creams, pills, and procedures that promise male enhancement because it uses platelet-rich plasma taken straight from your body.

What is the cost of the P-Shot?

The P-Shot typically costs between $1,800 and $2,400, although the ultimate cost may change depending on your unique circumstances.

Is P-Shot covered by insurance?

Patients must pay for the treatment out of pocket because it is an elective operation and is not covered by insurance.

Why is the P-Shot a popular procedure?

The P-Shot is a more affordable option for treating erectile dysfunction than erectile dysfunction surgery, which can cost thousands of dollars and carry risks like infection and scarring during surgery.

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